
Week15A: What we Learn From Google Analytics

Hello class! So what is google analytics? Well I asked the same question when I heard about it for the first time. In this blog I will talk a little based on what it is and it’s purpose for existing.   Page views. How is page views important to a business? Well I believe it’s important because it keeps track of how many people are being attracted to your posts and page. The more views you get the more audience you’re gaining. This means that people are actually interested in the content you’re posting and enjoy watching what you’re posting. These are my reasons to believe page views are important.   Engagement is also another Important thing to keep track off. I believe that the more engagement you have the more loyal customers you will have. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your engagement with your social media platforms to see who’s building loyalty with your business. This will also help you see what kind of content your clientele is engaging to the most. Conversations is

Week16B: Building Out Your Strategy

Hello class. Today I will just write my rough draft on that one specific social media platform that I believe is working out for me best and has shown me results. So When I started my detailing business I started using Instagram as my social media platform to help me promote my business. This platform has been helpful and has help me get my business known. It might not be known as other businesses I seen out there but definitely did better than Facebook. If I stay consistent with it and post on a daily basis I know for a fact I can make it grow and instagram will do it’s part by making me grow as well. It’s like the day out there, consistency is key. Instagram has potential and I’ve seen it in other businesses. We just have to learn how to use it properly and learn how to use the tools it provides us. Posting on a daily basis is the ideal thing to do. My believe on that is because not only are you posting new content or new work but you’re also showing your followers that you are a rea

Week16A: Developing your Marketing Strategy

Hello class! Today I will touch base on developing marketing strategy for a business. I will explain how I develop this strategy on my business.   So one of the social media platforms I think works best for me is Instagram. Well at least I say it based on what I’ve tried. I still have to try out the other new ones I came across while taking this class. But so far right now instagram has been doing me right. When the time comes right I will eventually take the time to try those platforms.   When it comes to tools I still have to learn several methods and tools to use. I believe knowing how to use the tools provided for each social media will make the use of the app easier and more understandable.     Each app comes with several tools to use.     They have them there for a reason. So take advantage of the and learn them. The results will come right after. This class has given me the opportunity to learn several techniques along with tools. I unfortunately didn’t have enough time to study

Week11A: Marketing with Twitter, Tik Tok, Google for Business, LinkedIn, and more

Hello class, today I will talk a bit about marketing with Tik Tok. Tik Tok is the newest social media platform I have personally used for my detailing business. When Tik Tok came out for the first time there was so many rumors of good and bad things. I remember downloading the app for business purposes only. So I hesitated on using it at first. Then I said to myself, just give it shot and see how it goes. So i did and created my first detailing video.   At first I wasn’t reaching the numbers I expected from Tik Tok. But again I thought it was because it was new and it still wasn’t being used for business purposes. I didn’t give up and I kept trying and posting. I knew I still had to learn more about it to be able to know how to use it. So I kept learning the ways and turned out hashtags have a lot to do with it as well.   Since I been learning more about hashtags I’ve come to notice that they do play an important roll in social media platforms. I feel like if hashtags didn’t exist soci

Week8B: Your Instagram Hashtag Use

Hello class. Today I will touch base on my Instagram hashtag use. This post will not be as long as the other ones since I have not posting on a daily basis due to my main jobs and busy life I have. What I have noticed from my previous posts I’d that the right time to posts and reach people by adding hashtags is anywhere between 9am to 9pm. I feel like people are active on social around those times and actually come across your posts. I create posts that relate to my business. So the posts will contain content showing me cleaning a car or promoting certain services. Some of the hashtags I used are #detailing, #carwash, #interiordeatiling, #exteriordetailing,    #waxing, and what not.  I learned that using hashtags does help out reach other users in the same business and also connects you with them by starting conversation through the comment section. These conversations lead to getting help or teaching most of the times. Definitely will continue to use hashtags more often.

Week8A: How to Expand Your Reach on Instagram by Using Hashtags

Welcome back guys to my blog. To I’m going to talk about a couple instagram business. I’m going to talk about how they expand their reach by using hashtags and visual media if and then they use it. So on my previous work I have talked about certain detailing pages. I have come across other new ones and honestly show the same content but in their way. The one thing I seen in similarity is that we all use hashtags to expand the reach.     Some of us use the same ones and some of us use different ones. In my case comparing my business with the ones I researched have a lot of similarities. So these businesses I researched have been replay successful with using hashtags. Detail Groove and Detailing Girl use similar hashtags like #detailing, #carwash, #swirlmarks, #detailersofinstagram and #fyp.     Of course there’s more but if I were to write down all of the ones I’ve seen I would be here writing a whole paragraph of just hashtags. So I’m only writing the common ones I see.     But honestl

Week9B: Using Categories

Hello class. Today I will be touching base on using categories for your business. I will go over some thing that I believe are beneficial for my blog based on the topics I cover for my business. So I believe categories falls into organization. Reason why is because if you categorize your services it makes it’s look more clean and organized as well as understandable for your clientele.     So if your business is one of those that offers more than just one service or sales more than just one item it’s always good to keep the website looking clean, organized, and categorized. Makes it easy for the customer to browse and navigate through the website and find what they’re looking for. Now for example, me having a detailing business. It requires me to describe what each package I have to offer. I have     6 services I offer and they all offer something different. So currently I’m working on building my website and will eventually be able to use this knowledge I’m getting from this class to c