Week16A: Developing your Marketing Strategy

Hello class! Today I will touch base on developing marketing strategy for a business. I will explain how I develop this strategy on my business. 

So one of the social media platforms I think works best for me is Instagram. Well at least I say it based on what I’ve tried. I still have to try out the other new ones I came across while taking this class. But so far right now instagram has been doing me right. When the time comes right I will eventually take the time to try those platforms. 

When it comes to tools I still have to learn several methods and tools to use. I believe knowing how to use the tools provided for each social media will make the use of the app easier and more understandable.  Each app comes with several tools to use.  They have them there for a reason. So take advantage of the and learn them. The results will come right after.

This class has given me the opportunity to learn several techniques along with tools. I unfortunately didn’t have enough time to study them but now that I know which one are and how I can find them I will eventually get to learning more about them in hopes of being able to use apply them on my posts.

When it comes down to spending time on social media platforms I think it depends on the type of business.I believe that the more you get to know your business the more you will learn from it and come to realize the actual time needed.  Keep in mind that there’s a lot of competition out there that are very similar to other businesses. I feel like that will take a little bit more time spent on the platform you’re using due to having to come up with different content or just being able to make your business stand out more to grab the attention of a consumer. I honestly spend about 4 hrs max on my platform creating content and advertising. I feel like that’s a lot of time. Within time I’m sure I’ll be able to bring that number down.


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