Week10A: Researching Email Marketing

What’s up guys. Hope everyone is doing good and having fun with this class. Today I’m going to talk a little bit on email marketing. I will be talking mainly on why I believe it’s helpful with your business and why you should consider it. 

So first things first. How often should a business send out a news letter? Well I’m my believe due to having a detailing business I believe once a month is fine due to new techniques, new products, and new information coming out. So it’s good to keep your clients or future posible clients up to date with new information that’s important to keep their vehicles well taken care off.

Now we all know we have several seasons each year. Well us detailers have the techniques and products to maintain your vehicle clean and protected during each season. So talking about seasons. The rule of thumb is to wash your car every 2 weeks to maintain it clean. Reason for each season brings different kinds of weather. Spring brings rain, summer brings sun, fall brings a mixture of rain and sun, and winter brings cold and snow in some places. They also come with some defects that can cause harm to your vehicle.

Living by the beach or salt trucks can cause your car to start getting rust spots. So it’s important to wash your car twice a month to prevent any rust damage. You can also protect your car by adding wax and sealant along with a ceramic coating. These products are well know for paint protectant. Not only do these products save your vehicle from rust, they also save the vehicle from bird drops damage, bugs, and clear coat fading from the heat. So if you’re a person that loves to keep a nice clean shiny vehicle, I highly recommend you to consider getting these services and scheduling to get a Carwash every two weeks to keep the vehicle from getting any paint damage.

I believe information like this will keep your clients and potential new clients on track and focused on wanting to keep their vehicles clean and protected. I’m sure no one likes to be riding in a dirty car showing rust as well. So giving information like this monthly in this type of business will allow and show people how important it is to maintain a vehicle clean and will allow those that like to learn and do it on their own to safely perform the job and keep their vehicle(s) cleans.


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