Week9A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars

Hello class! Welcome back to the blog. Today I will talk about why blogs can be important and help out your business. I will use a personal experience I went through as an example. So I hope this helps you understand a little bit more on why blogs can be helpful.

Alright, I personally think it’s a good and very helpful idea to blog or podcast about your business. Reason for is because you can talk about the experiences you went through certain customers and talk about certain ways you post content and how it helped you. This kind of information tends to help followers that look up to you.

For example, this is the first time I blog due to my class. But I have done certain things that can be similar to blogging. I did a couple raffles for complete detail job in the past. I had them telling me their story on why they think they should be the ones to be chosen for the raffle. I got a lot of stories and I shared only the ones that one the raffle. It was a really good experience and learned a lot from the lucky customers.

Being able to tell stories about your customers brings them closer to you and attracts more clientele. I believe this because you’re showing the world the bond and trust being built by helping out the ones that can’t pay full price or can’t pay at all. Of course you don’t want to film do this on a daily basis due to it being a business but doing it twice a yr wouldn’t hurt. Like me, I do it for thanksgiving and Christmas. 

So I feel like being able to blog and share stories wether it’s customers base or business base the attraction to new clientele will be there as long as you know how to talk and attract. I will eventually start my own blog in hopes that I will make my clientele grow.


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