Week1B: Social Media Use Today

Hello everyone! So my thoughts on social media are simple. I feel like it will be the future of every business out there. Social media is actually a powerful tool to use for marketing but, it does have its pros and cons. Now a days everyone in this world uses social media for everything. When I say everything I mean everything. I feel like the pros would be that if u use it for business it helps u reach a lot of views all over the world to get known and grow. Now if u use it for personal it helps you keep in touch with close friends and family that aren’t close to your home. The cons I’ve seen are that your social media profiles are always at risk of getting hacked and if you use it for personal it will bring you drama one way or another haha. I speak from experience. 

I see Facebook and InstaGram being used more in a business way. Now a days both platforms allow you to use it for personal and business which is cool. I use both platforms but mainly for business. Now Snap chat and Tik Tok  I feel like those platforms are being used more for personal use. Tik Tok mainly for fame in my opinion but can also be used to show your work and promote your business.  I use snap chat for sneak peeks on my work but again everyone has a purpose for the use on social media. Mine is to promote my business and gain growth. I also mentioned these platforms only because they’re the only ones I know how to use and haven’t really bothered looking for other ones.

Social media now a days can’t really be used for personal use. From the platforms I’ve mentioned, they have been mixed with business purposes. I personally think it’s a good thing because everyone has a preference on social media. Some are good with Facebook while some aren’t and prefer instagram and what not. Having multiple platforms in use will help u identify where you have your most followers and which one  is more active with likes and views. This will help you focus more on that one social media to continue gaining growth. So I guess that my thoughts on this are leaning more towards the business side than the personal side. So that being said I see social media being used in both ways.

When I started using social media I started using it for personal reasons only. I realized I never really posted anything and only had it to say I had one haha. I also realized it was being used in ways of friends and family being nosy and talking about the things you posted and always judge you one way or another. Till this day I see that happening a lot and some even use it to start fights and gang bang on you and what not. So me being one of those that dislikes drama and keeps a lot to himself I turned my personal social media into a business platform and use it for that purpose only. When I started my business Facebook and instagram were my only platforms. Then Snapchat and Tik Tok came out and decided to give them a try.  So now I focus more on instagram because that’s where I have more views and likes. So I’m one of those that uses social media for business purposes only.


  1. I agree with everything you wrote in many ways that you mention i use this platform the same way or try to as I'm in my 50's and learning how to blog.


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