Week15A: What we Learn From Google Analytics

Hello class! So what is google analytics? Well I asked the same question when I heard about it for the first time. In this blog I will talk a little based on what it is and it’s purpose for existing. 

Page views. How is page views important to a business? Well I believe it’s important because it keeps track of how many people are being attracted to your posts and page. The more views you get the more audience you’re gaining. This means that people are actually interested in the content you’re posting and enjoy watching what you’re posting. These are my reasons to believe page views are important. 

Engagement is also another Important thing to keep track off. I believe that the more engagement you have the more loyal customers you will have. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your engagement with your social media platforms to see who’s building loyalty with your business. This will also help you see what kind of content your clientele is engaging to the most.

Conversations is another important roll in my believe. It’s important to respond back to comments and messages. This shows your followers that you’re listens to them all the time and aren’t just ignoring what they are saying. It’s like they say out there, happy customers, successful business. Always pay attention to what a customer is asking for to be able to give the best response.

This being said Facebook uses analytics and that’s where I keep track of ratings for my business. Taking this class taught me a lot and I learned about analytics who’s is something I had no idea about. Now being able to understand how it works it makes it easier for me to manage my pages better.


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