Week16B: Building Out Your Strategy

Hello class. Today I will just write my rough draft on that one specific social media platform that I believe is working out for me best and has shown me results.

So When I started my detailing business I started using Instagram as my social media platform to help me promote my business. This platform has been helpful and has help me get my business known. It might not be known as other businesses I seen out there but definitely did better than Facebook. If I stay consistent with it and post on a daily basis I know for a fact I can make it grow and instagram will do it’s part by making me grow as well. It’s like the day out there, consistency is key. Instagram has potential and I’ve seen it in other businesses. We just have to learn how to use it properly and learn how to use the tools it provides us. Posting on a daily basis is the ideal thing to do. My believe on that is because not only are you posting new content or new work but you’re also showing your followers that you are a real business and you’re always operating your business. You also want to show dedication on every post.  I feel like if 4 hrs a day is spent on the social media platform you should be able to maintain a good balance on gaining and clientele and viewers. Also staying on top of comments and messages will make you a productive business. Set up schedules, write down on calendar, and create post for future dates. This will keep you ahead as well. This is exactly what I’ll be doing to strategize my page and gain clientele and viewers.


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