Week11A: Marketing with Twitter, Tik Tok, Google for Business, LinkedIn, and more

Hello class, today I will talk a bit about marketing with Tik Tok. Tik Tok is the newest social media platform I have personally used for my detailing business.

When Tik Tok came out for the first time there was so many rumors of good and bad things. I remember downloading the app for business purposes only. So I hesitated on using it at first. Then I said to myself, just give it shot and see how it goes. So i did and created my first detailing video. 

At first I wasn’t reaching the numbers I expected from Tik Tok. But again I thought it was because it was new and it still wasn’t being used for business purposes. I didn’t give up and I kept trying and posting. I knew I still had to learn more about it to be able to know how to use it. So I kept learning the ways and turned out hashtags have a lot to do with it as well. 

Since I been learning more about hashtags I’ve come to notice that they do play an important roll in social media platforms. I feel like if hashtags didn’t exist social media marketing wouldn’t be as successful as it is now. Hash tags really do help out by bringing more viewers to your page allowing your post to be viewed and work work to be recognized.

Being able to create content that will attract viewers on Tik Tok is also a strong skill to needed. Reason for, Tik Tok was made to have fun and show off your dance moves and what not. So it’s more for entertainment. So if your content can show entertainment then views and likes should be going up without a problem.

I haven’t tried looking into any other social media platforms due to not having to the time to sit down and learn from them. Eventually I’ll consider more platforms to see which one will help me out the most to be successful. I believe knowing how to use a certain social media platform will help you out a lot in being successful and of course investment the time as well. 


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