
Showing posts from November, 2022

Week9A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars

Hello class! Welcome back to the blog. Today I will talk about why blogs can be important and help out your business. I will use a personal experience I went through as an example. So I hope this helps you understand a little bit more on why blogs can be helpful. Alright, I personally think it’s a good and very helpful idea to blog or podcast about your business. Reason for is because you can talk about the experiences you went through certain customers and talk about certain ways you post content and how it helped you. This kind of information tends to help followers that look up to you. For example, this is the first time I blog due to my class. But I have done certain things that can be similar to blogging. I did a couple raffles for complete detail job in the past. I had them telling me their story on why they think they should be the ones to be chosen for the raffle. I got a lot of stories and I shared only the ones that one the raffle. It was a really good experience and learned

Week7B: How Other Businesses Use Instagram

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about how other businesses use instagram. I will talk about how the focus, effectiveness, and similarities to my way of using instagram. Not everyone is the same. Everybody uses certain pages a different way and to the best of their benefit.   From what I saw from some classmates is a little different but similar at the same time to how I use instagram. All I can say is that everyone has a way to post and most of the time their methods or ways seem to work just fine.    When it comes down to posting just pictures, the same way is being used. I can say we add about the same information about what we are trying to say about that picture.    So every business can end up paying the same but in their way. Now from the other businesses I follow I’ve learned a lot. My way of posting is not quite the same. I still have a lot to learn and I don’t think I’m just at that level yet. When it comes to pictures though the same method is applied. Using

Week7A: Get Visual with Instagram - Let a Picture or Short Video Tell the Story

Hello guys. Today I’m going to talk to you guys about my Instagram page. I get into detail with when I started it, how many followers I have, how many people I’m following, and what kind of content I post.   So to start off I’m using Facebook and Instagram media platforms at the moment. What I’ve noticed from Facebook and Instagram is they both help out reach clientele. But I believe instagram has helped me out more on getting followers compared to Facebook. On Instagram I personally have 232 followers and on Facebook I have 103 followers. I feel like instagram Is more effective than Facebook. Well at least that’s what I think based on my results but then again it can be due to the fact I haven’t been posting as much. I normally post only when I have work and have something to post. At the moment I am working on new content to be able to keep posting and attract more followers. I’m also working on learning how to use more hashtags to attract more followers. I’ve learned that hashtags d

Week6B: Creating and Scheduling Facebook Posts

Hello guys, today I will talk about why I chose the posts I created and scheduled. Now a days no matter how hard you try to keep your car clean it will not stay clean. A lot of us have kids or pets that we bring along with us when going out to take a cruise or go shopping. For the interior post I believe that it will bring engagement due to people wanting to get and keep their interior clean due to pets and kids. Kids can be a little messy and dogs can as well. But I also believe that no matter whether you or you don’t have kids and dogs the interior ends up getting dirty regardless. A lot of us love to keep a clean car and that’s why I’m here. To make sure I do that for you. Having a well-maintained interior keeps your cars value as well.  The other post I created and scheduled has to do with engine bay cleaning. Engine bay cleaning allows you to keep track of any little leaked that can possibly occur within time and will be easier for you or your mechanic to track down. Once again it

Week6A: Engaging Your Customers - Facebook Stragety

Welcome back guys. Today I will talk a little bit about some businesses I chose and the reasons y along with how they post, how much engagement they get, and how they can help me and my business. Remember every business has their own way of advertising and promoting their business. We can always learn new things by following and paying attention to how they run the content they upload. So the first business I chose to follow is Arzola Graphics. I know it’s nothing similar to the business I’m running. This business actually helped me by making me shirts, decals, hats, and sweaters for my business. I like how he using his post to gain followers. Most of his posts are simple. They get straight to the point. His videos show the way his work is done. His pics show the quality of the work. The post may not be well written but like I said they get straight to the point. They show what his customers asked for. Every video and picture is interesting because there’s always something new he’s pos