Week7A: Get Visual with Instagram - Let a Picture or Short Video Tell the Story

Hello guys. Today I’m going to talk to you guys about my Instagram page. I get into detail with when I started it, how many followers I have, how many people I’m following, and what kind of content I post. 

So to start off I’m using Facebook and Instagram media platforms at the moment. What I’ve noticed from Facebook and Instagram is they both help out reach clientele. But I believe instagram has helped me out more on getting followers compared to Facebook. On Instagram I personally have 232 followers and on Facebook I have 103 followers. I feel like instagram Is more effective than Facebook. Well at least that’s what I think based on my results but then again it can be due to the fact I haven’t been posting as much.

I normally post only when I have work and have something to post. At the moment I am working on new content to be able to keep posting and attract more followers. I’m also working on learning how to use more hashtags to attract more followers. I’ve learned that hashtags do help out to get more people to follow you. I’ve used hashtags before and the ones I have used are related to detailing and paint. For example I’ve used #detailing, #paint, #painter, #detailer, #polish, #wax, #seal etc. the results from these were definitely amazing because I did see more results. So I think hashtags are important and helpful.

I’m currently following 436 people right now on Instagram. Some are friends and family and other are straight out businesses. From the businesses I’m currently following they have to do with detailing and paint. Others I follow have to do with products. They focus on advertising their product to try to sell it and create content for it as well. They show you how to use the product they trying to sell and how the upgraded product works as well. 

Well this is my information based on the results I see so far from what I have posted lately. As I’m learning more and more from this class and add to my pages I definitely see progress.


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