Week7B: How Other Businesses Use Instagram

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about how other businesses use instagram. I will talk about how the focus, effectiveness, and similarities to my way of using instagram. Not everyone is the same. Everybody uses certain pages a different way and to the best of their benefit. 

From what I saw from some classmates is a little different but similar at the same time to how I use instagram. All I can say is that everyone has a way to post and most of the time their methods or ways seem to work just fine.  When it comes down to posting just pictures, the same way is being used. I can say we add about the same information about what we are trying to say about that picture.  So every business can end up paying the same but in their way.

Now from the other businesses I follow I’ve learned a lot. My way of posting is not quite the same. I still have a lot to learn and I don’t think I’m just at that level yet. When it comes to pictures though the same method is applied. Using hashtags and tagging people like the owner of the vehicle being worked on or other businesses to show the work that was just done. Like that other businesses will interact with you and give you tips on how to do certain things even though you didn’t do anything wrong.  Information is always good to get. So the picture part I guess I can say I have it down.

Videos! When it comes to businesses posting videos it can go both ways. They either post short clips or focus on static visuals. I personally think that these two methods are important and help regardless. I’ve seen businesses use both ways and honestly feel like they have worked good for them. The views are their and the followers are there as well. I believe it just has to do with how you present your content. Having the content and making it fun will literally bring you the followers and will help your business grow. So having pictures, slideshows, video clips, and infographics is always a good method to use.

I’ve tried some of these methods and I really do see the difference from when I would just post basic stuff. So my opinion on the methods being used on other businesses and mine are always great no matter how different they can be. We learn as we study other pages and can also apply that new knowledge to the businesses you guys run as well as the one I run. This here is what I think about how businesses use instagram. 


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