Week17 Final Post

Hello class. So today I will be jut talking about what I learned throughout the class. Let’s begin.

So when I was looking through the classes to pick one I came across this one. I wasn’t sure how I felt about social media marketing. Yes I tried it before by using Facebook and Instagram.  Did I see any results? Yes! But was it what I was expecting? No? So me not having a lot of social media experience made me think I was setting myself up for failure. But that was because I still didn’t know everything about social media.

Taking this class taught me more about several social media platforms that businesses are using now a days to promote their business. Like I mentioned before, I was only using Facebook and Instagram when I first started. As I continued learning I realized there was more to social media and that social media does have potential to make a business grow. Of course social media platforms have their pros and cons but even like that their potential is still high.

Also another thing I learned was keeping track of post reviews and engagement. This is also important because it helps you keep track of how many people are actually engaged with the content you post. Being able to entertain  your clientele with content that will attract them to come to you is a must. I learned that if I post content that will  catch someone’s eye my clientele will grow and I noticed that when I started using the skills I was learning as I was taking the class those numbers where actually going up.

I also learned how to create post to schedule on a later time. I really thought that was a cool thing to learn. I honestly didn’t know about that an when I learned about it and actually created some posts I was pretty amazed to see that I didn’t have to worry about posting them because I already had them schedule for a certain day and time. It’s like I can create everything on the weekends and set everything for the weekdays and continue working while the posts add on their own. Time saver for sure.

Theres other things I read about and still need to put into practice. Eventually I’ll have the time to get my hands and knowledge down on what I’ve learned. Honestly if it wasn’t for this class I’m sure I wouldn’t have known anything of what I know now and maybe my business media pages wouldn’t be where they are at now. So I’m thankful for Claudia for taking the time to give us this knowledge and helping us understand the importance and pros off social media marketing. I will strive for more and I won’t stop until I see myself where I want to be at. 


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