Week5B: Learning About FaceBook Data Collecting

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today I’m going to talk about the importance of Post Reach and Post Engagement, what you can learn from them, and how a business can use FaceBook Insights to better serve customers. 

Let me start by saying my opinion on why Post Reach is important. Well most of us know post reach is where what you post reaches out to an audience as a post feed. If you didn’t know that now you know. So it’s important to measure post reach because it gives you a better understanding on how large your customer base is and how effective your marketing strategies are at putting your content in front of potential customers. Reach also gives you a more accurate idea of how many individual potential customers you have. Overtime you can measure how your brand awareness is growing.  So this is why post reach is important for businesses. Gotta keep in mind that there’s also a lot of fake accounts out there to that won’t be seeing your new posts and can affect your growth. 

Post engagement is where the viewer actually connects with the post, either by liking, sharing or commenting. Having customers interact with your social media post shows you that they are interested in what you have to say about the service or item you’re trying to sell. The more engagement you have means your customers have a stronger relationships with your business. This is a good outcome because it provides you with more opportunities to build business loyalty, increase word to mouth, and increase sales giving you a higher chance to grow and get bigger. Keeping an eye out for social media engagement will provide you with insight into how well your content is resonating with your customers and you can use this information to improve your services if needed.  It also helps you track your performance over time allowing you to better yourself on how you present content for sales.

So it’s pretty straight forward. Reach and engagement is something important to a business and you can learn a lot from them. From reach you can learn how your posts are reaching potential customers. When it comes to engagement you can learn how relationships are built with customers and how loyal they become to you. Learning this and using this will help you become a successful business and will help you grow over time. You will see the difference from where you’re at now to where you’ll be at in the next couple of months by focus and learning how to improve reach and engagement. That’s guaranteed.

Facebook insights can help a business by allowing them to keep track of reach and engagement. But wait, it not only helps with that. It also helps to keep track of other businesses related to yours to see how they’re doing and allow you to see where you need to put in work. This here will also allow you to see how your page is growing and give you an understanding on how your content is resonating with your audience. Now that I know about this I know for sure I need to go back to my page and start putting In work again because I know for sure I still need a lot to accomplish. FaceBook insights also allows you to see the gender and ages of the people the are more engaged with your business. This is my opinion on the whole Facebook data collecting.


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