Week4A: Defining Target Markets

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today I’m going to compare to business and talk about what they do to get attention and clientele. I will be talking about SUBWAY and HUNGRY BEAR DELI. Just thinking about them and doing research on them make me hungry. Fun fact about me. I was a sandwich artist for subway for about 3 yrs. Subway was actually my first job I got once I finished high school. It was a fun place to work at. I worked at 5 different subways. The one in Vista off Emerald, the one off Marron Rd in Oceanside, El Camino Real across the street from the mall, the one that used to be inside the mall in Carlsbad, and the one across the street from Oceanside high school. Anywho let me get started with the comparisons and differences I found between these two sub sandwich businesses.

Demographics! How does subway use demographics? Well from the research done right off the bat subway gets right to it by the way they created their page. Subway is a world wide restaurant and considers itself being one of the healthiest sub sandwiches out there. They focus on nutrition and well being of the customer. Subway doesn’t just focus on certain race, religion, age and what not. Subway serves to all and gives all equal rights opportunity. I can say that from what I’ve seen subway does use demographics and know how to use it.  Now Hungry Bear Deli being a family owned business and only having one location which is in vista I feel like they aren’t using much demographics on their page. They don’t specify on what they focus other than being great full for having 500-600 reviews on yelp and google. Also for coming out on channel 10 news for selling the best sub sandwiches. I want to say that I personally think Hungry Bear Deli is not really targeting and they need to focus on that to be able to grow if that’s In their plans.

Let me touch base on psychographics for Subway and Hungry Bear Deli. Subway, like I mentioned earlier on the previous chapter definitely knows how to use demographics and I can say that they definitely know and do use psychographics as well. Basic ways subway uses psychographics is by focusing on the type of clientele they have and making sure they meet their needs. For example, Subway considers themselves to be a healthy nutrition sub sandwich restaurant right. Well by that they attract a lot of sport players, body builders, and people that in general live a healthy life style. Thats the kind of lifestyle they represent and that’s how subway manages to keep growing. Now on the other hand, when it comes down to Hungry Bear Deli they just seem to not have a focus on lifestyle as much as Subway.  Hungry Bear Deli seems to be a free for all type of restaurant and targets everyone but I feel like they need to have a focus to be able to manage spending and focus on what sales more other than spending on everything and sometime having it go to waste.

Let me talk to you about some basic obvious things I noticed about subway and hungry bear deli. So it’s more than obvious both restaurants focus on selling the best sub sandwiches. We all know subway is known to focus on health and well being of it customers. On the other hand, hungry bear deli being new there isn’t much out there about them but, it’s obvious they don’t have a target. Hungry bear deli doesn’t talk or state on their website what their focus is on their about us section. Subway does! Subway also has way more information and sections about what they have accomplished throughout the world by being world wide and having multiple stores. Unlike hungry bear deli, they show some lack of information and keep it short and simple which can be beneficial for them since they are family owned. I still believe though that they should at least add a target or talk a little bit more about what’s their purpose other than just selling subs. I believe now a days society looks for a purpose to buy from you or even get a service done from you. Subway shows more interest in staying open and growing and hungry bear deli shows they want the business but aren’t doing everything needed to be done to get to the next level.

Subtle? Do I consider any of these two sub sandwiches businesses subtle? My answer is yes. I consider Hungry Bear Deli subtle due to the lack of advertisement. Yes, they do stand out but they don’t show much attraction. They aren’t loud enough like subway is. They don’t have ads as far as I know. I honestly didn’t even know of this place. If it wasn’t for this class I’m taking and this assignment I have to do is probably not know about it til this day. Hungry Bear Deli needs to work more on being loud, noticeable, and obvious. Subway has been doing a great job on presenting and achieving what they’re going for. 

If I’m correct I believe there is some crossover happening with Subway. Reason why is because Subway doesn’t only have a business in one city or state. This means that they have to rely on other manufacturers to help them supply them with their needs to keep the business going. From what I saw when I was working at subway, the orders were from one specific company that worked with subway. So that tells me that’s where crossover happens. Might be wrong or might not be understanding right. So if you read this and I’m wrong correct me. Now Hungry Bear Deli doesn’t have much to know about so it’s kind of hard to determine whether they’re a crossover customer business. 

In conclusion to all the research I did they both did a great job with their website. Everything is easy to access and find. Of course subway went big and did way more to get that attraction they’re looking for. Subways page is very is to handle and it’s so organized. It’s just perfect. Hungry Bear Deli is also very organized and their page is easy to handle. They’re organized as well and easy to read. While I was researching on there pages Subway really surprised me and Hungry Bear Deli did as well but not as much as Subway due to the lack of information and attraction. Sandwiches look good on the pics though. Might have to go give them a try. So this is what I think about these two sub sandwiches restaurants.


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