Week3B: Developing a Brand

Welcome back to my blog guys. Today I’m going to talk about how I developed my brand/business. So, after spending 4 years in the detailing business and painting I felt like I gained enough experience to be able to start looking into starting my own detailing/painting business. At that point I didn’t know anything about business so I knew it was going to be difficult for me to start. So I remember coming home from work one day with ideas for the business. I sat down with my ex fiancé and presented to her the ideas. Long story short she helped me get started on this business I have my guiding me through the right steps beaded on her knowledge gained by research. Yes, while I worked my 8 hrs shifts she’d be at home researching what I had to do to get started. Sadly it didn’t work out for both of us but I still give credit where credit is due. Anyways let’s get into what I did to develop the business.

First things first. Come up with a name. In my case it was kind of hard to find a name. Reason y was because a lot of detailers use names that either have their first or last name in the business name such as Jose’s Mobile Detailing or Mendoza’s Mobile Detailing and what not. There’s also a lot of common names out there such as Unique Mobile Detailing, Flawless Mobile Detailing, and Express Mobile Detailing.  But, I had to come up with something that will let the customer know that we also paint. Long story short I had to come up with something unique that my competitors didn’t have out there already and would cause problems with copyright. So I came up with MADAP. Madap stand for MENDOZA’S AUTO DETAIL AND PAINT. Yes I added paint because I also do paint restoration and do some painting as well. So this was my first step and of course I had to make sure no one else was using this name for any sort of business or brand. As of today I haven’t had issues with it and I’m still working on going bigger and adding to the business. 

After coming up with the name I had to create a logo for it. It wasn’t an easy thing to do. I had to brain storm and sketch here and there. After not being able to get this done I reached out to my buddy Gabe from Gabe Designs to take over and get something done for me. I passed on my ideas to him and he went straight to work. I said to him “ I want my logo to stand out but simple and professional looking”. Gabe knew exactly what I was asking for and sent me a couple pdfs. After reviewing them I chose the one I liked and he made it happen. 

Once the logo was designed I had to choose a color scheme. My colors are light gray and navy blue.  I’m a fan of dark colors and I wanted to keep it in that color scheme. I always black or whit was way to simple so I decided to go with a dark and a light color. So my buddy gave got to work and sent me a pdf with colors and I was amazed on how simple yet professional it came out. Now it was time to sit down again and come up with the services and prices for each package or service. It was a tough process because once again I had to do a lot of research based on my competitors around the area I was going to offering my services. Once it was finalized I sent the pdf to my other buddy that does decals and he made business cards for me along with price sheets, shirts, hats, and hoodies.

Now, it’s time to hit the social media platforms and create business pages. First one I did was Facebook and then moved on to Instagram. Creating the pages were easy. I started adding random detailing businesses and added pics and videos of my work. Added friends and family to help spread the word by a simple share or shout out based on the experience they got from the detail or paint services done by me. That helped out my page to get recognized by several followers I did not know raising the chances of me getting leads for work. My pages aren’t all finished with the right info needed due to not being able to focus on it 100%. But my goal is to get this going soon and finally become my own boss full time. I haven’t really been doing a lot of detailing so my pages will look like they been abandoned. I don’t think my social media platforms are the face of the business and I’ll explain why.

In conclusion to all I said I believe I’m the face of the business. Reason why is because I do all the work and my work represents the the business. I do all the talking, appointments, and picture/video taking. My customers come directly to me and let me know about the services/concerns they want or have. I’ve had people call me or text me saying that they were recommend by friends or family and want to get their car detailed. Every time some calls they say if I’m Jose from MADAP. That shows me and tells you that I’m the face of the business. So this what I went through in starting my business along other things such as permits and buying equipment, tools, van and materials.


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