Week3A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding

What’s up everyone. Welcome to my blog. Today I did some research on four different websites. I chose 2 websites that I thought were poorly designed and 2 that I thought were very easily to deal with according to how organized and well designed they were. So I’ll be giving you guys my thoughts and opinions on how the 2 poorly designed websites can be better and how easy it is to handle a well designed website. Let’s start!

So! First website I want to talk about is https://best-electronics-ca.com. I believe this website is is poorly designed because it’s literally unorganized. When you bread “ best electronics “ on the url I’m sure you’re expecting to see pictures of the electronics with prices and a description of each item. Well on this website you don’t get that. All you get is a lot of writing and doesn’t have sections of certain items. Literally a scrambled egg. I literally got lazy to read everything. All I did was scroll down until I hit the bottom. I feel like if the owner of this website organized it better by adding pictures, sections, a design instead of a solid white background, a menu, and simply add sections for every specific topic or thing, it would catch the buyers attention more instead of searching  some where else. Theres just so much slack going on in this website and they can do better. It’s like they don’t care about the consumers thoughts.

Let’s talk about the second poorly website. http://www.roverp6cars.com/. Rover p6 parts is another website that seems to be designed poorly.  The creator of this website put some effort into the website design but just cramped everything and is out of place. It’s just crowded. I thought the cars were pretty cool to use as options to click on but the fact the the colors are dark you can’t really tell what it says. I had to zoom in to be able to read the options. It also 

sends you to another website. I thought this was the website. Turns out it’s not. The pictures of the cars all around the page just seem to be In the way and doesn’t look professional. So out of place. No pattern at all.

Now let’s talk about the well designed one. First off I chose Toyota http://www.toyota.com/. As I was going through Toyotas website I was amazed on how clean it is. Everything is organized and in sections. There’s a tab for every specific thing they’re trying to have you see. Super easy to use. The message is clear and the sales marketing is straight forward. The page allows you to build your car the way you want it and also allows u to view cars,accessories, and services they are trying to sell you. I can sincerely say this website has it all. 

 Who doesn’t like apple products?  I believe  apple did a great job on the way they designed their web page. The website promotes their new products and make it in a way to stand out. They have a place for everything they want to show you. So easy to use and browse things. So apple being able to have an easy going website gives them an advantage on consumers buying more online and placing orders. Now a days that’s what consumers are looking for since it’s easier for them to just purchase what they’re looking for. Being able to order online allows them to continue with their busy schedule instead of having to go out of there way to go in to the store to make a purchase.

To finish up this topic I believe that a website needs to be really organized with the concept they are trying to show to grab the consumers attention. Being organized, clean, and able to get the consumers attention is something that will help you build clientele and that’s very important for a business. If you have a sloppy website like the 2 poor ones I talked about there won’t be much success with building up clientele. 


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