Week2A: Communication Between Business & Consumer

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. I’m going to start of by saying that social media is a BIG game changer when it comes down to communication between businesses and consumers. Social media has helped out a lot of business owners get known. All it takes is for one person to hit the like button or get services done by that business and sharing it on their page.  Friends and family will eventually see the post on their page and the likes will continue to come through. I say this from experience. Keep in mind I run a small detailing business but that’s besides the point right now. Social media also has a strong roll on problem solving. For example, Facebook allows the consumers to leave feedback based on the service they received. Let’s say a consumer wasn’t happy with the service provided and they rant about how bad the service was and what not. The notification will pop up on your phone if u have the app and will allow you to take immediate action to solve the problem to avoid getting hit with the bad reviews. Trust me there are a lot of Karen’s out there that will try to make your business look bad just because they feel like it. I been there haha. Also you have to keep in mind that listening to the consumer has a lot to do with getting known as a good or bad business/business owner. The more you listen the less Karen’s you will have. I hope me using Karen’s doesn’t offend anyone. 

Moving on to my thoughts on the reviews I read based on my research. So A couple months ago I was looking for a dentist to go get some work done. There’s one by my house and it’s literally like a 5-10 minute walk to get there. Anyways I was looking at the reviews to see what the consumers had to say. From what I saw there was plenty of positive reviews to convince me to go there.  But  wait, I also had to check out the negative ones. I had to see how much the business owner cared about the negative reviews and how they handled them.  From what I saw it wasn’t so bad. The owner herself and other employees in charge of the page would actually message them back and tried to solve the problems. Of course there were some where consumers tried to say certain things weren’t explained and what not. But from what I saw apparently everything was explained. This being said I think that the reviews are very important and listening to the consumer is an important roll to take as a business owner. Bad reviews will make a huge impact on your business.

Til this day I have not written reviews when I purchase or experience something. I guess I been lazy to take a minute of my life to leave some feedback and to be honest I didn’t think how important reviews are until now that I’m taking this class. So yea if I were to start leaving reviews it would depend on the service or quality of the item purchased. Reading about social media marketing is teaching me more than I knew. Like I mentioned earlier, I run a small detailing business and honestly never really paid much attention to reviews. On second thought I don’t even think I had reviews on my page. Maybe a couple comments and that’s about it. I will have to check my page out again haha. I think I should start leaving reviews from now on.

Me being a small business owner and having a lot of competition is kind of hard to get clients. I’m not a big time detailer but I know for sure I get down on my services. I go above and beyond on my services and pay really close attention to detail. Now, like I mentioned earlier I haven’t really dealt with reviews. So if and then I end up dealing with reviews I’m sure I would handle them the right way. I know I mentioned there can be Karen’s out there and those are the hard ones to deal with specially because they will not give up and will stick to their thought or word. But it’s easy to tell who is who. So I’d be grateful and respond with appreciation and thank you’s to those that are satisfied and for those that aren’t I’d try to fix the problem because every problem has a solution. Right?  Now for the Karen’s, after trying multiple times and ways to make that customer happy if no accomplishment has been met, I’d just say sorry for not meeting your expectations and move on to the next customer. Yes, in the business industry you win some and you loose some. At the end of the day what matters the most is that you keep in mind that out of 10 or 20 customers only 1 was unsatisfied and 9 or 19 were satisfied. That’s what’s going to keep u going. Why fry your brain overthinking about that one bad review when you did what you could and wasn’t able to fix it just because that Person decided to be a Karen. Move on and continue being successful.


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