
Showing posts from August, 2022

Week1: Blogs I Commented On

 Hello Everyone. Today I commented on 3 bloggers posts. John Paul Castillo Sarah Weisz's Alexis Morgan

Week1B: Social Media Use Today

Hello everyone! So my thoughts on social media are simple. I feel like it will be the future of every business out there. Social media is actually a powerful tool to use for marketing but, it does have its pros and cons. Now a days everyone in this world uses social media for everything. When I say everything I mean everything. I feel like the pros would be that if u use it for business it helps u reach a lot of views all over the world to get known and grow. Now if u use it for personal it helps you keep in touch with close friends and family that aren’t close to your home. The cons I’ve seen are that your social media profiles are always at risk of getting hacked and if you use it for personal it will bring you drama one way or another haha. I speak from experience.   I see Facebook and InstaGram being used more in a business way. Now a days both platforms allow you to use it for personal and business which is cool. I use both platforms but mainly for business. Now Snap chat and Tik

Week1A: My Blog Theme

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. As you see the theme I chose has a dark pathway image to it. I chose this theme because it reminds me of something an OG told me once back when I was in my teenage years. No, I was not in any gangs or anything like that but was around OG’s due to the jobs I had before. Seeing this theme keeps me on track and reminds me that a dark path will never have a light and will be a challenge to find it. Nothing in life is easy to obtain. You have to put in work. This OG told me that life is never easy and nothing will ever get handed to you. If once you got something handed to you it doesn’t mean that it was free. Everything has a price and we pay for it one way or another. I reflect on that saying because I’ve gone through situations where things have been handed to me and ended up paying a price later. Going through that experience made me realize that nothing is really free and   easy. You have to find your own pathways light no matter how difficult it